This is a summary of posts for the week of August 22nd to Twitter and the Arocho Law Office Facebook Page:
Are You a Tax-Exempt Charity? Sure About That?
What Social Value Do Nonprofits Really Create?
Northern California hospital sues Sutter Health, claims it illegally skimmed $120M:,0,6979486.story
Summary of nonprofit and charity related posts by the Arocho Law Office to Twitter and the Arocho Law Office Facebook Page.
Summary of posts by the Arocho Law Office to Twitter and the Arocho Law Office Facebook Page.
AROCHO LAW OFFICE: Focused on serving Nonprofits
Please call today at 202.204.2218 to schedule an appointment or contact this office by clicking here.
Please call today at 202.204.2218 to schedule an appointment or contact this office by clicking here.