- The nickel-and-dime approach by some nonprofits to encourage donations by mail: Charities mail out coins, hope for larger return - http://www.usatoday.com/news/sharing/2010-07-14-charity-coins_N.htm
- In the aftermath of a disaster or in other emergency hardship situations, individuals, employers and corporations often are interested in providing assistance to victims through a charitable organization. Before disaster strikes, review the tax rules that apply!!!!
- The Affordable Care Act of 2010 contains some tax provisions that take effect this year and others that will be implemented during the next several years and could impact your small business or nonprofit . Keep abreast of the latest information on the implementation of provisions that may affect your tax-exempt organization!!
- Something interesting to do this weekend-create a paper clone of yourself. Info and instructions at http://www.instructables.com/id/Project-Paper-clone/ :)
- A lesson for your business or nonprofit that you may find hard to believe can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6XAPnuFjJc&feature=player_embedded . The lively RSA Animate illustrates the hidden truths behind what really motivates us at home and in the workplace. www.theRSA.org
- Great new small business: Shore Kids Yoga LLC is dedicated to helping children become healthy from the inside out. At Shore Kids Yoga, they believe everyone needs an outlet to express themselves, relieve stress and have FUN. They encourage children to use their imagination, relax and become strong confident individuals. For further info please visit http://www.shorekidsyoga.com/
- The Better Business Bureau Wise Giving Alliance recently released a list of standards that national charities most commonly fail to meet when being evaluated by the Alliance against its 20 Standards for Charity Accountability. http://www.bbb.org/us/article/bbb-wise-giving-alliance-releases-top-reasons-charities-fail-to-meet-its-standards-20723
- An example of Cause Marketing for Business: Snack Firm Puts New Twist on Charity-Marketing Deals - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/12/business/media/12adnewsletter1.html?_r=1
- What is Cause Marketing? How To Legally Partner with a Non Profit Organization: http://community2.business.gov/t5/Small-Business-Cents/How-To-Legally-Partner-with-A-Non-Profit-Organization/ba-p/23526?cm_mmc=GovDelivery-_-070110-_-weekly-_-community
- Nonprofit startup ideas: Resources for Starting a Halfway House or Transitional Housing Facility at http://community2.business.gov/t5/Business-Law-Advisor/Resources-for-Starting-a-Halfway-House-or-Transitional-Housing/ba-p/25813?cm_mmc=GovDelivery-_-071410-_-weekly-_-community
- Bootom Line News: As per a recent Canadian University report, an investment in improving the working condition of all employees can be an advantage to the bottom line both in times of economic growth and recession. You can find a summary of the report at http://www.mcgill.ca/files/ihsp/Profit_at_the_Bottom_of_the_Ladder_A_Summary_Report.pdf
- Is your nonprofit registered as a charity? Almost every state and territory regulates the solicitation activities of charities. Some exceptions may exist for religious organizations. The National Assoc. of Attorneys General and National Assoc. of State Charity Officials developed the Charleston Principles to address solicitation over the internet and it can be used as guidance for good faith compliance.
- Arocho Law Office brochure is available at http://arocholaw.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/docs/ALO_One_Sheet_July_2010.19392528.pdf
- The Village People will have to change the lyrics to their song YMCA to The Y: The organization previously known as the Y.M.C.A. is henceforth to be called “the Y.” http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/12/us/12Y.html?_r=1&hp